Sunday, February 14, 2010

Nearing the end

Well, another week, another shoot and we’ve just completed two thirds of this weekends filming. We shot on Thursday night in a field and at The Falls hotel in Ennistimon.

Then Friday morning we went to the Greyhound Bar in Kilkee Co. Clare which went fantastically well.

We’ve no photos for either of those shots but we did get to shoot also on Saturday night at Dromore castle in Co. Limerick. Probably one of the most satisfying shoots so far. Annmarie who plays the female lead did the most amazing job (as she does on every shoot she’s been involved in) she battled through the cold for hours out there. In certain shots she had to run through the dense woods, but there was lots of briars and things so her feet got cut up a good bit. Needless to say she keep going with a smile on her face which is really incredible.

Saturday night was also the last scenes for Hugh (who played the vampire). He did a fantastic job getting into the role of the Vampire, I think he’ll be glad that he won’t have to wear any more of that makeup and not to mention drinking tomato juice!

So we’re pretty much almost finished shooting. We’ve one more scene to complete next weekend (if we can track down a camera) and then it’s off to the editing rooms with us!

I'll post up some photos of this weekend when I’ve the time.

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