Last weekend was a howl and a hoot of a shoot!
It pretty much was the last of shooting minus the ten seconds we’ve to re-shoot.
We set up shop at about 5pm in Ennistimon. It was the second scene in the film, this is where AnnMaries character is in her house and get’s into a huge agro argument with her ex. It was pretty fun to do, I ended up playing the ex, which was slightly nerve-wracking as I’ve never done anything like that before. The character I play was in a few of the scenes we shot the week before but there was no dialogue, just me running around a field in the dark like a mad-man with flailing legs and arms.
Note to self: Never run in public if it looks hideous.
Anyway the scene with myself and AnnMarie was a great experience – there was a really relaxing atmosphere when we shot it (like all the shoots) so we just had a lot of fun with it.
Next stage of the production will be the editing process which we hope to have wrapped up by the 18th of March.
Oh I might try upload some footage of the first shoot in Kilkee Co. Clare if i've the time.