Sunday, February 28, 2010

We're getting there...

Last weekend was a howl and a hoot of a shoot!

It pretty much was the last of shooting minus the ten seconds we’ve to re-shoot.

We set up shop at about 5pm in Ennistimon. It was the second scene in the film, this is where AnnMaries character is in her house and get’s into a huge agro argument with her ex. It was pretty fun to do, I ended up playing the ex, which was slightly nerve-wracking as I’ve never done anything like that before. The character I play was in a few of the scenes we shot the week before but there was no dialogue, just me running around a field in the dark like a mad-man with flailing legs and arms.

Note to self: Never run in public if it looks hideous.

Anyway the scene with myself and AnnMarie was a great experience – there was a really relaxing atmosphere when we shot it (like all the shoots) so we just had a lot of fun with it.

Next stage of the production will be the editing process which we hope to have wrapped up by the 18th of March.

Oh I might try upload some footage of the first shoot in Kilkee Co. Clare if i've the time.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

When Good Cameras Go Bad

I've got some more killer photos James took, they're from Saturdays shoot out at Dromore Castle, Co. Limerick (of High Spirits fame).

Anyways it was a great night if a bit cold but the one thing that sucked was when we looked over some of the footage when we transfered the tape to the computer. We noticed that we couldn't retrieve some of the footage - probably about 10 seconds of footage - which doesn't seem like a lot but they were important to the films end and continuity, so we have to probably re-shoot those 10 seconds again!

As Evil the cat would say; "... a minor setback".

We've got our last scene to shoot on Saturday evening in Co. Clare so we're looking forward to that, but first things first, we've to track down a camera for it and time is ticking - I think we'll get something though.

Here are a few shots from Saturdays shoot out at the Dromore Castle.

(Click for larger size)

All photos by James Skerritt

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Here are a couple of photos James took during the first shoot.

(Click for larger size)

All Photos by James Skerritt

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Nearing the end

Well, another week, another shoot and we’ve just completed two thirds of this weekends filming. We shot on Thursday night in a field and at The Falls hotel in Ennistimon.

Then Friday morning we went to the Greyhound Bar in Kilkee Co. Clare which went fantastically well.

We’ve no photos for either of those shots but we did get to shoot also on Saturday night at Dromore castle in Co. Limerick. Probably one of the most satisfying shoots so far. Annmarie who plays the female lead did the most amazing job (as she does on every shoot she’s been involved in) she battled through the cold for hours out there. In certain shots she had to run through the dense woods, but there was lots of briars and things so her feet got cut up a good bit. Needless to say she keep going with a smile on her face which is really incredible.

Saturday night was also the last scenes for Hugh (who played the vampire). He did a fantastic job getting into the role of the Vampire, I think he’ll be glad that he won’t have to wear any more of that makeup and not to mention drinking tomato juice!

So we’re pretty much almost finished shooting. We’ve one more scene to complete next weekend (if we can track down a camera) and then it’s off to the editing rooms with us!

I'll post up some photos of this weekend when I’ve the time.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Here are a few photos from last weekends shoot.

(Click for larger photo)

All photos by James Skerrit


Welcome to the official blog for the student short called Nos Na Feratu.
After a few weeks of pre-production and procrastination the film has began shooting.

The short is basically a rural tale of the detrimental effects and horrors of meeting people through the internet.

We've shot the first scene and some of the 6th scene in Co. Clare last weekend and we had a blast. The actors are gelling really well and we couldn't ask for a better cast.
The first day of shooting began about 5pm on Saturday and didn't finish up till 7 am Sunday morning!

As it's our first attempt of shooting a film it was really nerve-racking before we started last weekend but everything came together and really looking forward to shooting the next few scenes at the weekend - need to track down a camera for Saturday but think it will all come together.

Watch this space for more news and perhaps photos James took last weekend.